File Watcher: File Name Patterns


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File Watchers let administrators set up the monitoring of directories on the file system and perform specific actions when desired files appear. This topic covers using file name selection patterns to define which files trigger the watcher. Use file patterns in conjuction with the target container path to take action on specific files.

No File Pattern Provided / Default File Pattern

If no FilePattern is supplied, the default pattern is used:


This pattern matches only file names that contain letters and special characters (for example: Dataset_A.tsv). File names which include digits (for example: Dataset_1.tsv) are not matched, and their data will not be loaded.

Under the default file pattern, the following reloading behavior will occur:

File NameFile Watcher Behavior
DemographicsA.tsvFile matched, data loaded into dataset DemographicsA.
DemographicsB.tsvFile matched, data loaded into dataset DemographicsB.
Demographics1.tsvNo file match, data will not be loaded.
Demographics2.tsvNo file match, data will not be loaded.

User Defined Pattern

You can use any regex pattern to select source files for loading. If you want to target datasets that have digits in their names, use:


You can also use a "name capture group" as the FilePattern. See below for details.

As another example, you can match all or part of the filename string. Suppose you have the following third source files:


The regex file pattern...


will result in the following behavior...

File NameFile Watcher Behavior
FooStudy_Demographics.tsvFile matched, data loaded into dataset FooStudy_Demographics.
FooStudy_LabResults.tsvFile matched, data loaded into dataset FooStudy_LabResults.
BarStudy_Demographics.tsvNo file match, data will not be loaded.

Name Capture Group pattern

This type of file pattern extracts names or ID's from the source file name and targets an existing dataset of the same name or id. For example, suppose you have a source file with the following name:


The following file pattern extracts the value <name> from the file name, in this case the string "Demographics" that occurs between the underscore characters, and loads data into an existing dataset with the same name "Demographics".


Note that you can use the technique above to target datasets that include numbers in their names. For example, using the pattern above, the following behavior will result.

File NameFile Watcher Behavior
dataset_Demographics_.tsvFile matched, data loaded into dataset Demographics.
datasetDemographics.tsvNo file match, data will not be loaded.
dataset_LabResults1_.tsvFile matched, data loaded into dataset LabResults1.
dataset_LabResults2_.tsvFile matched, data loaded into dataset LabResults2.

To target a dataset by its dataset id, rather than its name, then use the following regex, where <id> refers to the dataset id. Note that you can determine a dataset's id by navigating to your study's Manage tab, and clicking Manage Datasets. The table of existing datasets shows the id for each dataset in the first column.


If you want to capture a name from a file with any arbitrary text (both letters and numbers) before the underscore and desired name, use:


This would match as follows:

File NameFile Watcher Behavior
20220102_Demographics.tsvFile matched, data loaded into dataset Demographics.
LatestUpdate_LabResults.xlsxFile matched, data loaded into dataset LabResults.
2022Update_Demographics.xlsFile matched, data loaded into dataset Demographics.

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