

A site administrator can manage the logging level of different LabKey components from the Admin Console.

Find a Logger of Interest

  • Select (Admin) > Site > Admin Console.
  • Under Diagnostics, click Loggers.
You will see the Names of all the registered loggers, with their current Level on the left, the Parent (if any) and Notes (if any) on the right.

  • Find a specific logger by typing ahead (any portion of the name) to narrow the list.
    • If you don't see an expected logger listed here, it may mean the relevant class has not yet been initialized or loaded by the VM.
  • Use the Show Level dropdown to narrow the list to all loggers at a given level:
    • INFO
    • WARN
    • ERROR
    • FATAL
    • DEBUG
    • TRACE
    • ALL
    • OFF

Change Logging Level

Click the value in the Level column for a specific logger to reveal a dropdown menu for changing its current level. Select a new level and click elsewhere on the page to close the selector. The logger will immediately run at the new level until the server is restarted (or until its level is changed again).

For example, while investigating an issue you may want to set a particular logging path to DEBUG to cause that component to emit more verbose logging. Typically, your Account Manager will suggest the logger(s) and level to set.

Another way to use the adjustability of logging is to lower logging levels to limit the growth of the labkey.log file. For example, if your log is filling with INFO messages from a given logger, and you determine that these messages are benign, 'raising' the threshold for messages being written to the log (such as to ERROR) will reduce overall log size. However, this also means that information that could help troubleshoot an issue will not be retained.

Learn more about logger file sizes in this topic: Troubleshoot Installation and Configuration

Logger Notes

Some loggers provide a brief note about what specific actions or information they will log. Use this information to guide you in raising (or lowering) logging levels as your situation requires.

Troubleshoot with Loggers

If you want enhanced debug logging of a specific operation, the general process will be:

  1. Changing the relevant logging level(s) to "DEBUG" as described above.
  2. Optionally select Admin Console > Caches > Clear Caches and Refresh.
  3. Repeat the operation you wanted to have logged at the debugging level.
  4. Check the labkey.log to see all the messages generated by the desired logger(s).
  5. Remember to return your logger to the previous level after resolving the issue; otherwise the debugging messages will continue to fill the labkey.log file.

LoggerLevelResult in Log
org.apache.jasper.servlet.TldScannerDEBUGA complete list of JARs that were scanned but no TLDs were found in them. Skipping unneeded JARs during scanning can improve startup time and JSP compilation time.
org.labkey.api.files.FileSystemWatcherImplDEBUGOpen file system handlers and listeners. For example, whether a file watcher is finding no files, or finding files that have already been 'ingested'.
org.labkey.api.admin.FolderImporterImplDEBUG/ALLDetails about folder import, including from file watchers. Will include what type of listener is used for the watcher as well as any events for the configuration.
DEBUG/ALLDetails related to file watcher actions such as study reloading.
org.labkey.api.pipeline.PipelineServiceDEBUGDetails related to file watcher configurations and mapped network drives.
org.labkey.api.data.ConnectionWrapperDEBUGAll JDBC meta data calls being made.
Includes attempts to load tables from an external schema.
org.labkey.api.websocket.BrowserEndpointALLDetails related to browser windows briefly appearing, then disappearing, such as for a color picker or RStudio/Shiny app.
org.labkey.api.data.SchemaTableInfoCacheDEBUGSee loading of tables from an external schema.
org.labkey.api.data.TableDEBUGIncludes all SQL being executed against the database.
DEBUGPermissions related to API key access.
org.labkey.api.view.ViewServletDEBUGRequest processing details, including failed authentication.
org.labkey.audit.event.*DEBUGAdditional detail about a specific type of audit event.
org.labkey.audit.eventDEBUGAdditional detail about all audit events.
org.labkey.cas.client.CasManagerDEBUGInclude XML responses from the server for CAS logins.
DEBUGSee information about ODBC conections. Troubleshooting ODBC Connections
org.labkey.core.webdav.DavControllerDEBUGSee information about files being downloaded or uploaded; includes timing of setting metadata values related to transfers to/from S3.
org.labkey.ehr.*DEBUGSeveral EHR-specific loggers are available.
org.labkey.di.*DEBUGSeveral DataIntegration loggers are available for ETL debugging.
org.labkey.experiment.api.ExperimentServiceImplDEBUGQuery performance during upgrade.
DEBUG/ALLDetails to help troubleshoot LDAP authentication problems.
ERROR/WARNSAML configuration and authentication errors and warnings.
org.labkey.study.dataset.DatasetSnapshotProviderDEBUGQuery snapshot refresh details.
org.labkey.targetedms.parser.PrecursorChromInfoDEBUGMessages about fetching chromatograms, either from the cache-in memory, or from S3/local files.
org.labkey.api.query.QueryService.QueryAnalysisServiceDEBUGCross-folder dependency analysis details.

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