Sample code for javascript api using FormPanel and grid

LabKey Support Forum
Sample code for javascript api using FormPanel and grid Peter  2010-01-05 07:57
Status: Closed
Attached is a file-based moduule that gives some example code using the LABKEY,ext.EditorGrid and the LABKEY.ext.FormPanel. More discussion to come.

Lili responded:  2010-05-10 12:29
Hi Peter,

I followed the steps but I can't get the upgrade module page, and I don't see "apisamples" on the folder settings either. In step 2, how do I deploy the apisamples.module to the module directory? Do you refer to the "modules" folder that is a sibling of "labkeywebapp"? Don't I need an "apisamples" directory besides apisamples.module?

jeckels responded:  2010-05-19 17:52
Hi Lili,

I recommend putting this .module file in the externalModules directory. It should be a sibling to the modules and labkeywebapp directory. After creating the directory if needed and adding the apisamples.module, you'll need to restart Tomcat. The server will automatically extract any content into an apisamples subdirectory if needed.

For more information, please see this documentation page:

Lili responded:  2010-06-28 09:39
Hi Josh,

Thank you for the reply. Once I put the .module in the externalModules directory, things worked out as told in readme.txt.
