Install PostgreSQL (Linux, Unix or Macintosh)


Install PostgreSQL on Linux, Unix or Macintosh

As part of installing required components, you need to install a database. To install PostgreSQL on Linux, Unix or a Mac:

  1. See Supported Technologies page for list of supported versions of PostgreSQL
  2. From download the PostgreSQL binary packages or source code. Follow the instructions in the downloaded package to install PostgreSQL.
  3. Please read the notes below to forestall any difficulties with the PostgreSQL installation.
  • If you uninstall and reinstall PostgreSQL, you may need to manually delete the data directory in order to reinstall.
  • Don't forget to set the password for your database user, typically 'postgres'. (You can do this by opening Psql with something like ALTER USER "postgres" WITH PASSWORD 'new_password';) It should match whatever is in your file in the LabKey server directory.
  • See: Notes on Installing PostgreSQL on All Platforms
  • After installation, you may find it helpful to tune PostgreSQL for performance.