Web Part Configuration Properties


Properties Common to All Web Parts

Two properties exist for all web parts. These properties can be set in addition to the web-part-specific properties listed above.

The showFrame property indicates whether or not the title bar for the web part is displayed. When the showFrame='true' (as it is by default), the web part includes its title bar and the title bar's usual features. For example, for wiki pages, the title bar includes links such as "Edit" and "Manage" for the inserted page. You will want to set showFrame='false' when you wish to display one wiki page's content seamlessly within another page without a separator.

  • showFrame='true|false'. Defaults to True.
The location property indicates whether the narrow or wide version of the web part should be used. You typically set this property when you insert a web part into a wiki page on the right-hand side bar of a Portal page. A web part inserted here needs to be able to appear in its narrow format so that it does not force squishing of the center pane of web parts. To add web parts to the right-hand side bar of Portal pages, see Add Web Parts.

Only a few web parts display in a narrow format when the location parameter is set. For example, the Wiki web part does not change its display. Others (such as Protein Search, Sample Sets, Protocols and Experiments) change their layout and/or the amount of data they display.

  • location='right' displays the narrow version of a web part. Default value is '!content', which displays the wide web part.
Remember, only a handful of web parts currently provide a narrow version of themselves via this syntax.

Properties Specific to Particular Web Parts

Properties specific to particular web parts are listed in this section, followed by acceptable values for each. All listed properties are optional, except where indicated. Default values are used for omitted, optional properties.

Issues Web Part Summary of issues in the current folder's issue tracker

  • title - Title of the web part. Useful only if showFrame is true. Default: "Issues Summary."
Query Shows results of a query as a grid
  • title - title to use on the web part. Default: "[schemaName] Queries" (e.g., "CustomProteinAnnotations Queries")
  • schemaName - Name of schema that this query is going to come from. It is Required.
  • queryName - Query or Table Name to show. Unspecified by Default.
  • viewName - Custom view associated with the chosen queryName. Unspecified by Default.
  • buttonBarPosition - Determines how the button bar is displayed. By default, the button bar is displayed above and below the query grid view. To make the button bar appear only above or below the grid view, set this parameter to either 'top' or 'bottom', respectively. You can suppress the button bar by setting buttonBarPosition to 'none'.
  • allowChooseQuery - If the button bar is showing, this boolean determines whether or not the button bar should be include a button to let the user choose a different query.
  • allowChooseView - If the button bar is showing, this boolean determines whether or not the button bar should be include a button to let the user choose a different view.
  • reportId - The ID of the report you wish to display. You can find the ID for the report by hovering over a link to the report and reading the reportID from the report's URL. If the URL includes 'db:151', the reportID would be 151.
  • schemaName, queryName and reportName. You can use these three properties together as an alternative to reportId. This is a handy alternative when you develop a report on a test system and reference the report using the LabKey JavaScript API. If you were to use reportID in your script and deploy to production, you would have to edit the calling code -- the reportID would have changed.
  • showSection - The section name of the R report you wish to display. Optional. Section names are the names given to the replacement parameters in the source script. For example, in the replacement '${imgout:image1}' the section name is 'image1'. If a section name is specified, then the specified section will be displayed without any headers or borders. If no section name is specified, all sections will be rendered. Hint: When you use the report web part from a portal page, you will see a list of all the reports available. When you select a particular report, you will see all section names available for the particular report.
Search Text box to search wiki & other modules for a search string
  • includeSubFolders - 'true|false'. Search this folder or this and all sub folders. Defaults to 'true'.
Files Web Part
  • partConfig - todo - documentation under construction
  • fileSet - todo - documentation under construction
  • name - Title name of the page to include. Required.
  • webPartContainer - The ID of the container where the wiki pages live. If this param is not supplied, the current container is used.
You can obtain a container's ID by using the containerId.view action in the admin controller. For example, to obtain the container ID for the Documentation folder, www.labkey.org/wiki/home/Documentation, go to the following URL in which 'admin' replaces 'wiki': https://www.labkey.org/admin/home/Documentation/containerId.view The container ID (EntityId) appears as a hex string, in this case: aa644cac-12e8-102a-a590-d104f9cdb538.

Wiki TOC Wiki Table of Contents.

  • webPartContainer - Same as the "webPartContainer" parameter for the wiki web part described above.
  • title - Title for the web part. Only relevant if showFrame is TRUE. "Pages" is used as the default when this parameter is not specified.

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