jeckels responded: |
2010-01-15 09:42 |
Hi Bill,
We only load that data if we've detected that the FASTA file includes a sufficient of reverse sequences. This has been primarily an internal-only use case for evaluating false discovery rates.
This isn't really a generally supported feature right now, but to force it to load the PeptideProphet details (which will degrade import performance) you can set the scoringanalysis column on the relevant row in the prot.fastafiles table to true. You'll then need to reload the run.
Josh |
wnels2 responded: |
2010-01-15 10:18 |
Thanks,it works and is going to save me a lot of time.
Just curious, the database does have a decoy database appended. It adds DECOY_ to the front of the decoy sequences (DECOY_YOR216C vs. YOR216C).
How does CPAS identify a decoy entry?
Thanks again,
Bill |
jeckels responded: |
2010-01-15 11:37 |
Hi Bill,
It looks for protein names that start with "rev_". If at least a third of the proteins entries are reverse entries it considers it a scoring analysis FASTA file.
Josh |