We just started getting this error on all of our runs on a 9.3 server. This causes the pipeline to hang at IMPORT RESULTS WAITING.
ERROR Table 2010-03-05 11:05:37,253 AnnotLoader45 : SQL [31007]
INSERT INTO pipeline.statusfiles
(_ts, createdby, created, modifiedby, modified, container, entityid, status, info, filepath, email, description, dataurl, job, provider, haderror, jobparent, jobstore, activetaskid)
VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, NULL, ?, ?, ?, ?, NULL, NULL);
SELECT CURRVAL('pipeline.statusfiles_rowid_seq')
?[1] 2010-03-05 11:05:37.252
?[2] 1018
?[3] Fri Mar 05 11:05:37 EST 2010
?[4] 1018
?[5] 2010-03-05 11:05:37.252
?[6] 5033a93a-07f4-102d-a5ac-8f9e9bccb7ce
?[7] 5033aa18-07f4-102d-a5ac-8f9e9bccb7ce
?[8] ERROR
?[9] ERROR: insert or update on table "statusfiles" violates foreign key constraint "fk_statusfiles_jobparent"
Detail: Key (jobparent)=(5033a949-07f4-102d-a5ac-8f9e9bccb7ce) is not present in table "statusfiles".
?[10] /home/massspec/cpas/pipeline/projects/LynnGroup/Jackson/sequest/HNE_Farm_FR_ARP/LabelFree_2.0ug_wIS_v0022_i01_5074.log
?[11] lcjack3@uky.edu
?[12] Jackson/LabelFree_2.0ug_wIS_v0022_i01_5074 (HNE_Farm_FR_ARP)
?[13] 5033a95c-07f4-102d-a5ac-8f9e9bccb7ce
?[14] Sequest
?[15] true
?[16] 5033a949-07f4-102d-a5ac-8f9e9bccb7ce |
jeckels responded: |
2010-03-05 16:51 |
Hi Bill,
Do you have the full stack trace for this error?
It looks like the jobs have somehow been deleted from the database. I'm guessing that the output you included above is the child job going into ERROR because it couldn't find its parent job in the database anymore. However, I'm guessing that it doesn't get set to ERROR for the exact same reason.
Were these jobs canceled, deleted, resubmitted, retried, etc in any way?
Josh |
wnels2 responded: |
2010-03-06 06:17 |
Yes, there was a lot of canceling, deleting and resubmitting going on. Anyway, even single file jobs were getting stuck at the IMPORT step. There were also activeMQ errors which I didn't see. I don't know if the two errors are related but I had to restart everything to recover. If it happens again I'll send logs.
Bill |