Filters are gone

CPAS Forum (Inactive)
Filters are gone anette.karle  2012-09-10 04:28
Status: Closed
Assigned To: Peter
Dear Peter,

By accident suddenly the Novstdfilter is not working for the compare peptides view anymore – obviously we did a mistake.
At the beginning it just didn’t work for one folder of a project but for the others it was fine. So I checked the view on the project level and there it said: there is no filter named Novstdfilters. So I tried a couple of things:
- I klicked on a run and selected Novstdfilters – customize – and just saved the view under the same name since it seemed to be correct. I also made it available for childfolders and other users. As a result the Novstdfilters was nowhere to be found in the compare peptides view of any folder anymore!
- So I tried to set the filter directly on this compare page on the project level (and made it available for childfolders and other users) – this worked to some extent: on the project level the peptide numbers are correct, but for all other subfolders there still is no Novstdfilters available to be selected for the peptide comparison.

I really don’t know what to do now – can you help me out here? This is really urgent!

Thanks and best regards
Peter responded:  2012-09-10 10:19

It sounds like you were taking the right actions. by defining the views at the project level.

But just to make sure you are clear on the views involved: There are really two filtered views that need to be there for your scenarios, and their names need to match.

When you click on a run to go to run details, the data set you see is the Peptides query, and the view you define here affects the peptide grid on that run details page and the matching peptides grid at the bottom of the protein details page.

On the Compare peptides setup page, the view you are defining there is on the hidden PeptidesFilter query. To keep this view consistent with the Peptides view described above, it should have the same filter terms and be saved under the same name (lower case/upper case matters) as the view on the Peptides query.

I suspect you already knew the above. Perhaps you should try a test by saving the views under a new name at the project level, as a test. Then see if both views are available as expected in a subfolder.