'survey label' field from surveys.Surveys table rita alves  2020-01-09 05:56
Status: Closed


Is there any possibility to automatically fill the question patientid using the 'survey label'? How to access to the survey label field?

{"name" : "patientid",
"caption" : "Patient ID:",
"required" : true,
"xtype": "textfield",

Thanks in advance

Jon (LabKey DevOps) responded:  2020-01-28 00:46

Hi Rita,

Unfortunately, the Survey Label is not accessible to allow a user to auto-populate values to it.

You can however choose to not have it display, which will populate the date and time for the specific survey entry on the surveys table.

Please look at our survey designer reference and you'll see an attribute called "useDefaultLabel" under the start menu.


