LabKey as primary credentials to authenticate to third party application

Installation Forum (Inactive)
LabKey as primary credentials to authenticate to third party application sfuertez  2015-11-04 18:38
Status: Closed
Can we use labkey’s built-in authentication service (i.e. database authentication) to pass credentials to other software/sites? We want to integrate with other software, but do not want to have 2 credentialing systems.
This seems to be point to an SSO integration but with LabKey as primary. We also do not want to use LDAP at this time. Would there be a capability or best practice to accomplish this from LabKey?

adam responded:  2015-11-04 22:18
Hi Sherland,

I'm happy to report that LabKey supports a remote login API that many of our clients use to configure other web applications to use a LabKey Server deployment as an SSO authentication provider. It uses a straightforward, but secure, token-based authentication approach and also supports basic authorization. I've attached the instructions to this message. We also have java and php sample code in the /remoteLogin directory, though that code is starting to get a little stale.

Take a look at remoteLogin and let us know if you have further questions.

sfuertez responded:  2015-11-05 10:05
Thanks Adam! We will look into the remote login API integration in our application.
