Thanks for reporting this, Will.
I'm not convinced this logging is coming from a released version of 18.1, however. A few clues, based on examining and running the 18.1 code (PostgreSqlDialectFactory):
- In 18.1, this warning ends with "...PostgreSQL 10.x is the recommended version." (not "PostgreSQL 9.6")
- If this warning appears, the fall-back SQL Dialect is PostgreSql100Dialect (not PostgreSql96Dialect)
- 18.1 code seems to parse the version string correctly (extra bit is ignored)
Your labkey.xml file must be pointed at a 17.3 (or earlier) release (check the docBase and the module version numbers). Or a previous deployment of LabKey was not upgraded / rebuilt cleanly (what steps did you follow in the upgrade?).
Please let us know what you find.