Incorrect warning about Postgres 10.3 not supported by Labkey on Ubuntu 18.04

Installation Forum (Inactive)
Incorrect warning about Postgres 10.3 not supported by Labkey on Ubuntu 18.04 Will Holtz  2018-05-07 01:02
Status: Closed

If Labkey connects to a Postgres v10.3 database on Ubuntu 18.04 you get the following:

WARN  PostgreSqlDialectFactory 2018-05-07 00:56:54,603 : LabKey Server has not been tested against PostgreSQL version 10.3 (Ubuntu 10.3-1). PostgreSQL 9.6 is the recommended version.
INFO  DbScope                  2018-05-07 00:56:54,604 : Initializing DbScope with the following configuration:
    DataSource Name:          labkeyDataSource
    Server URL:               jdbc:postgresql://localhost/labkey
    Database Product Name:    PostgreSQL
    Database Product Version: 10.3 (Ubuntu 10.3-1)
    JDBC Driver Name:         PostgreSQL JDBC Driver
    JDBC Driver Version:      42.2.1
    SQL Dialect:              PostgreSql96Dialect

I'm guessing the extra "(Ubuntu 10.3-1)" appended to the version string is throwing off Labkey's version comparison.


Will Holtz responded:  2018-05-07 01:04

And I should have mentioned this is Labkey v18.1.

adam responded:  2018-05-07 17:34

Thanks for reporting this, Will.

I'm not convinced this logging is coming from a released version of 18.1, however. A few clues, based on examining and running the 18.1 code (PostgreSqlDialectFactory):

  • In 18.1, this warning ends with "...PostgreSQL 10.x is the recommended version." (not "PostgreSQL 9.6")
  • If this warning appears, the fall-back SQL Dialect is PostgreSql100Dialect (not PostgreSql96Dialect)
  • 18.1 code seems to parse the version string correctly (extra bit is ignored)

Your labkey.xml file must be pointed at a 17.3 (or earlier) release (check the docBase and the module version numbers). Or a previous deployment of LabKey was not upgraded / rebuilt cleanly (what steps did you follow in the upgrade?).

Please let us know what you find.


Will Holtz responded:  2018-05-10 19:15

Hi Adam,

You are correct. I found a bug in my deployment script that resulted in some old files from v17.1 being carried over. After fixing my deployment script the Postgres version warning went away. Sorry for the confusion!


adam responded:  2018-05-11 09:56

No problem, Will... glad you got your deployment fixed and thanks for following up!
