Unable to open weburl

Installation Forum (Inactive)
Unable to open weburl jaiganesh monie  2019-08-30 04:14
Status: Closed

Hi Team ,

We have configured as per the vendor document and able to view http://<servername>:8080 , when we try to access http://<servername>:8080/labkey/

Error :
Configuration Error Detected at LabKey Server Startup
DataSources are not properly configured in labkey.xml.

There is a problem with your configuration. Please contact your organization's server administrator for assistance or visit the LabKey Support Portal to view additional support options.

org.labkey.api.util.ConfigurationException: DataSources are not properly configured in labkey.xml.
at org.labkey.api.module.ModuleLoader.initializeDataSources(ModuleLoader.java:990)
at org.labkey.api.module.ModuleLoader.doInit(ModuleLoader.java:347)
at org.labkey.api.module.ModuleLoader.init(ModuleLoader.java:249)

Jaiganesh Monie

Jon (LabKey DevOps) responded:  2019-09-11 21:28
Hi Jaiganesh,

Can you send us the entire stack error you received or the labkey.log file that contains this error?

If you examine the error message closely, specifically look towards the bottom of it, it will explain why it is failing.

All this error tells us is that there is something wrong with your labkey.xml file or something related to the labkey.xml file is having problems, but it isn't telling us what is wrong with it exactly.

