HTTP Status 404 – Not Found

Installation Forum (Inactive)
HTTP Status 404 – Not Found marcoferreira  2020-01-29 09:40
Status: Closed

I've installed the Labkey server in a dedicated server. I've followed all the installation steps, but when I try to access Labkey page, it displays HTTP Status 404 – Not Found
My operating system is Ubuntu 18.04.
Tomcat 9.0.30 successfully installed and running in path /opt/tomcat
Labkey files located at /usr/local/labkey/labkey
Labkey.xml located at /opt/tomcat/conf/Catalina/localhost/

Attached the labkey.xml content.

I've tried several things but it still not working.

Please help!


marcoferreira responded:  2020-01-29 10:42
Status: Active

In Tomcat manager I've found these errors:

FAIL - Application at context path [/labkey] could not be started
FAIL - Encountered exception [org.apache.catalina.LifecycleException: Error starting the loader]

Jon (LabKey DevOps) responded:  2020-01-31 14:28
Status: Closed
Hi Marco,

Can you give us your catalina.out log and the labkey.log file as well?

Your log files have a whole bunch of information that will be helpful in troubleshooting this problem vs the two lines you copy/pasted here.

Also, please provide us with a copy of your labkey.xml file under your CATALINA_HOME/conf/Catalina/localhost directory (Note: Please make sure to remove your credentials and database URL from the file).

And I would recommend you go back through our installation document and reconfirm everything you did:

The reason why is that there are a lot of steps to install LabKey and missing a single step can create problems like this. I'm reasonably confident that if you recheck your installation steps against your actual server configuration, you will likely figure out what went wrong and make your necessary corrections.

