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Odd looking; Study Schedule web part

Study Forum (Inactive)
Odd looking; Study Schedule web part anders kielland  2015-01-26 09:19
Status: Closed
The sequence numbers show up together with the visit heading in the Study Schedule web part (see attach file). Can I get an advice to fix this?

Jon (LabKey DevOps) responded:  2015-01-27 14:04
Hi Anders,

Are you referring to the headers like "1000 Visit 1" where you don't want the "1000" part being listed?

If so, you should be able to edit that information in the study under the Manage tab > Manage Timepoints, then edit the specific label.

Please let us know if you have any further questions.


anders kielland responded:  2015-01-27 23:32
Hi Jon
Thank you for the answer. Yes indeed, "1000". And as far as I can see it is not part of the label name (see attached image). I think it is a little surprising that it shows up as part of the label. Can you please tell me what I haven't understood. By the way is intervals of 1000 (as I have) appropriate?

regards, Anders
Jon (LabKey DevOps) responded:  2015-01-28 12:31

Upon further investigation, it looks like we are actually adding the minimum sequence number to the header in addition to the visit label. This would explain why when you went in to edit the information it didn't appear as the label. So this is definitely by design and expected behavior of the system to show the number sequence along with the visit label.

Please let us know if you have any further questions.


anders kielland responded:  2015-01-29 12:52
Thanks Jon
But it still looks odd: if you look at the first image I sent; you will see that the web part of the study schedule cut the bottom line. the window seems too small. This is not the case when I set up a date-based study. It seems the heading field become taller and take space from the window. And I am also not quit sure why the sequence number is relevant to show. In all other labeling options in Labkey (I have come across) you fully control the labeling.

but thanks for clarifying.

regards, Anders
Jon (LabKey DevOps) responded:  2015-01-29 17:11

Thanks for bringing that to our attention. It does look like the Visit-Based Study Schedules do get slightly cut off. However, it appears to look a little better when you have more than two datasets.

Do you only have two datasets in your Study Schedule?


anders kielland responded:  2015-01-29 23:22
Jon: only two datasets for this study folder, but see attached file from a study containing 5 datasets. The last line is cut here too.
Also wonder what is benefit of showing the sequence number. Isn't that just an arbitrary number?

Jon (LabKey DevOps) responded:  2015-01-30 09:09

It's not actually cutoff, but the window is rendering slightly smaller than it should be. If you look to the right, you'll see the ability to scroll up and down and get to the last dataset. However, I will file a bug on this to have our developers increase the size of the webpart for the Study Schedule frame.

The benefit of showing the sequence number is to know at what point the sequence starts for the specific visit. You can have multiple studies running where you might need to use different sequence sizes for various reasons. However, I will certainly put in a feature request to have this functionality be disabled by an admin if they don't want the sequence value to appear in the header.

Please let us know if you have any further questions.


jeckels responded:  2015-01-30 09:59
Hi Anders,

In terms of showing the visit number, I believe the group for whom this feature was designed tended to refer to visits by their numbers in many of their conversations. As such, the numbers were meaningful for them, instead of just arbitrary numbers. I can understand how that's not the case for other groups though, and that always showing the numbers could just be confusing or add clutter to the user interface.
