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chart wizard - how is boxplot x axis ordering determined

Study Forum (Inactive)
chart wizard - how is boxplot x axis ordering determined jwiltse  2014-02-20 09:37
Status: Closed
What determines the order in which the levels of a variable string (x axis) appear in boxplot? For example, levels of cohort have a logical order and I would like to set that order in plots. However, depending on the dataset, the ordering by cohort levels varies when using chart wizard or quick chart for boxplots. Sorting a dataset by cohort does not result in a boxplot with ordered cohort levels. Yes, could create R views, but want to enable non-developers to create improved boxplot views.
alanv responded:  2014-02-24 14:11
Currently, for box and scatter plots when we request data from the server we do not pass in any sorts, so the data is always unsorted. That said, after some investigation, it looks possible to add this feature; filters and sorts are already on the URL and it is possible to retrieve user sorts from a data region. If you would like to discuss development of this feature further, let us know.