clone study tgal  2009-12-04 11:38
Status: Closed

Is there a way to clone a whole study with datasets, cohorts, visits, lists, etc.? We have multiple studies with very similar settings and this would make support much easier.

adam responded:  2009-12-04 11:44
You can use the study export feature to export an entire study to a zip file or to files in the file system, then import it elsewhere (different folder or different server). This feature was added in 9.2 and improved further in 9.3.

If you want to create a study *template* (e.g., you want the same dataset schema but different participants and data), you can export a study and delete the data (.tsv) files. Importing that study will create a new study with identical structure.

tgal responded:  2009-12-04 12:04
Thanks Adam,

This is great.
