Uncategorized SQLException for SQL

LabKey Support Forum
Uncategorized SQLException for SQL jeckels  2015-01-13 09:05
Status: Closed
Hi Bront,

Is this on a developer machine, or a production/staging/etc server? I'm wondering if the Postgres JDBC driver might be stale. Can you double-check that the copy in $TOMCAT_HOME/lib matches the file size in the distribution (either the .tar.gz or ./external/lib/tomcat/ in SVN)?

Also, can you share the section of labkey.xml in $TOMCAT_HOME/conf/Catalina/localhost for the labkeyDataSource (stripping out server/username/password information, of course). It should be something like this:

    <Resource name="jdbc/labkeyDataSource" auth="Container"
        validationQuery="SELECT 1"
