Integration Point for Implementing Solr Search

LabKey Support Forum
Integration Point for Implementing Solr Search lewis j mcgibbney  2015-03-16 14:57
Status: Closed
Hi Folks,
I'm looking to extend Labkey server with a Solr connector. Right now I am working my way through the install documentation (thank you Jon for helping me out). In addition I'm working with the Javadoc and have successfully imported the project into Eclipse based on the recent tutorial documentation posted to the list.
I wonder if someone can please help me locate which package(s) is/are responsible for reading and writing data to underlying data stores/data sources.
Having built the Javadoc, I am working my way through the source.
Thanks in advance.
lewis j mcgibbney responded:  2015-03-16 15:07
I'm working my way through the File Management documentation

As this is user level documentation there is no mention of the integration points. Any direction would be excellent. Thanks.
Matthew Bellew responded:  2015-03-16 15:10
Are you trying to display data that you already have in a Solr server, or are you trying to use Solr to index document from the LabKey server instance?
lewis j mcgibbney responded:  2015-03-16 15:12
Hi Matthew,
The latter use case - use Solr to index document from the LabKey server instance?
Matthew Bellew responded:  2015-03-16 15:26
The solution would be implement and register a different instance of the SearchService interface. There happens to be a stub you could start with. Look for SolrSearchServiceImpl.

lewis j mcgibbney responded:  2015-03-16 15:33
Hi Matt,
Thanks for the heads up. This is grand.