How can I create a custom mapping that accepts MultipartFile?

LabKey Support Forum
How can I create a custom mapping that accepts MultipartFile? kevink  2015-04-16 11:08
Status: Closed
First, we have a few JavaScript APIs that you can try using to POST a file and get back a JSON formatted response. It requires two round-trips: 1) POST the file to assay/assayFileUpload.view to create an ExpData object, (2) create a LABKEY.Exp.Data from the response and call data.getContent() to parse the Excel file into JSON.

See the example in:

Second, to answer the question about getting a POSTed file: within your Java action call .getFileMap() -- for example:

    public class ConvertXlsToJsonAction extends ApiAction
        public Object execute(Object o, BindException errors) throws Exception
            Map<String, MultipartFile> files = getFileMap();

            List<String> names = new ArrayList<>();
            for (MultipartFile file : files.values())

            JSONObject json = new JSONObject();
            json.put("fileNames", names);
            return json;