Unable to see the effect of the "bodyClass" config of LABKEY.QueryWebPart

LabKey Support Forum
Unable to see the effect of the "bodyClass" config of LABKEY.QueryWebPart Leo Dashevskiy  2015-10-21 18:06
Status: Closed

I don't see the difference between your $$(".dataset-body") calls in 2nd and 3rd lines in the post above...

Ok, I think, I got to the bottom of it, sort of.

I initially included a stripped-down example for the sake of simplicity, but in fact I apparently omitted a part, which makes our 2 instances behave differently!

Go ahead and add

frame: 'none',

to your QueryWebPart config

Then query for the 'dataset-body' class once again - do you see it?

I say in this case, still, whatever it is that the QueryWebPart ended up being rendered into, it should still have the added class value specified in bodyClass.
