Store permissions in XML file to load at build or boot?

LabKey Support Forum
Store permissions in XML file to load at build or boot? Jon (LabKey DevOps)  2016-08-23 10:54
Status: Closed
Hi Ariel,

Thank you for the additional details. So what about the structure of your LabKey instance? Even though you stated that the users and the data wouldn't be the same, but the roles and groups would be in addition to particular tables, wikis, etc. Is the project/folder structure going to always be the same every time?

For example, let's say that you built your current instance with three projects. The first project has 3 sub-folders, the second project has 5 sub-folders and within each of those sub-folders, there are anywhere from one-to-ten folders, and the final project has only one sub-folder.

Is it expected that these folders and projects will always be consistent to where if you installed your version of Labkey on a fresh box, it's going to automatically create those exact folders in that exact structure as well as a default?

