Server error upon automatic cohort creation

LabKey Support Forum
Server error upon automatic cohort creation WayneH  2017-10-11 10:54
Status: Closed
When we try to run automatic cohort creation in one of our projects we get the follow error. Cannot determine why the system is throwing the error or how to solve it. Any thoughts?
500: Unexpected server error

ExecutingSelector; bad SQL grammar []; nested exception is java.sql.SQLException: Invalid column name 'SequenceNumMin'.
Caused by: java.sql.SQLException: Invalid column name 'SequenceNumMin'.
DialectSQL = SELECT P.ParticipantId, -1 AS VisitRowId, -1 AS CohortId, D.SF_ID
    FROM study.Participant P
     LEFT OUTER JOIN studyDataset.c192d2018_ehas_hhq_y1_v2 D ON P.ParticipantId = D.participantid
    WHERE P.Container = ?
    ORDER BY P.ParticipantId, D.SequenceNumMin

request attributes
LABKEY.StartTime = 1507738377833
org.springframework.web.servlet.DispatcherServlet.CONTEXT = Study WebApplicationContext: startup date [Tue Oct 10 14:28:24 EDT 2017]; parent: Root WebApplicationContext = TLSv1.2
LABKEY.Counter = 0
javax.servlet.request.key_size = 0
LABKEY.container = /DHO_Healthy Aging_Workspace/Petek
LABKEY.RequestURL = /cohort/DHO_Healthy%20Aging_Workspace/Petek/manageCohorts.view?
javax.servlet.request.cipher_suite = TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256
javax.servlet.request.ssl_session_id = 59de423a4d73764c18388ad10081980b4856c769d34aa680568ffe7565803504
LABKEY.OriginalURL =
LABKEY.action = manageCohorts
LABKEY.controller = cohort
javax.servlet.request.ssl_session = 59de423a4d73764c18388ad10081980b4856c769d34aa680568ffe7565803504
X-LABKEY-CSRF = c8c52fb8915ea679e401534fe0cd8888
LABKEY.OriginalURLHelper = /cohort/DHO_Healthy%20Aging_Workspace/Petek/manageCohorts.view?
javax.servlet.request.ssl_session_mgr =

WayneH responded:  2017-10-11 11:32

though this wasn't happening when we noticed the previous error we seem to be getting a similar error on data import from flat file to dataset... Just got notice of this today.

Need guidance on this one..


Jon (LabKey DevOps) responded:  2017-10-11 14:55
Hi Wayne,

What version of LabKey are you currently running? Is it the most recent 17.2 Release version?


WayneH responded:  2017-10-12 06:50
I believe that we are still on version 16.3.
WayneH responded:  2017-10-12 07:09

I also tried importing this project into my locally installed labkey server 17.3 and got this error.. when it tried to apply automatic cohort settings... same as last ...

Is this some kind of configuration issue?

(see attached)
Jon (LabKey DevOps) responded:  2017-10-12 14:52
Hi Wayne,

What kind of study is this? Visit-based? Time-based? Continuous?


WayneH responded:  2017-10-13 05:38
This is a continuous study.
WayneH responded:  2017-10-17 07:08
Any thoughts..? I saw in another thread you recommended that the client upgrade to 17 for a similar issue..

jeckels responded:  2017-10-17 15:37
Hi Wayne,

If possible, try pointing at a dataset that is marked as being a demographics dataset for your cohort information instead.
