users groups roles for all projects in a single table

LabKey Support Forum
users groups roles for all projects in a single table Jon (LabKey DevOps)  2018-06-16 00:46
Status: Closed
Hi Alper,

A regular SQL query alone within LabKey unfortunately isn't enough to accomplish this goal.

Although not recommended, you could setup an external schema to point to LabKey's own database and expose the other core tables that hold the permissions like you saw with the combo of permissions, members, roleassignments, etc, then do one large complex join to aggregate all of that information together.

However, as stated earlier, we don't recommend doing this since you expose yourself to security issues and potentially problems with upgrades as well as stated here:

Otherwise, the next best thing would be for you to create your own module that can do direct SQL queries to the database and collect the necessary information for you and then having that render within LabKey on your own custom page.

