Study.xml: possible to define additional info on QC states?

LabKey Support Forum
Study.xml: possible to define additional info on QC states? Ben Bimber  2010-06-02 16:19
Status: Closed
In the XML metadata associated with a study (export/import), is it possible to define any of the params related to QC states? Looking at study.xsd, it seems like the only QC related param is:

  <qcStates showPrivateDataByDefault="false"/>

The other related values it would be useful to define are:

1. the actual QC states, their labels and whether they are public
2. default QC states for imported data

can these be set somewhere else? i ask about the file based definitions b/c it's a lot easier to version control and sync these between development/production servers than trying to do all this through a browser. thanks for the help.
adam responded:  2010-06-02 18:21
LabKey does not export/import of QC state definitions yet. It wouldn't be hard to add, but it just hasn't made the priority list yet:
