possible to change default behavior on some dataset fields?

LabKey Support Forum
possible to change default behavior on some dataset fields? Ben Bimber  2010-08-09 12:01
Status: Closed
study datasets have the following fields:


the above fields are (i think) automatically populated, implying that they are not shown in the default insert view.

when you run getQueryDetails, this API returns metadata for a given dataset. Each field has a 'shownInInsertView' property. these fields all have showInInsertView=true. assuming that my logic above is correct, can that get changed to false? i'm designing EHR form code and it would be nice if the API returned a more sensible value.

i've come up with fixes, so it's not an immediate problem, but it'd be nice to fix the api. i wouldnt be surprised if this just never came up before.

jeckels responded:  2010-08-09 17:09
Hi Ben,

You're correct about created and modified, and for the EHR, sequencenum. I've made the change and will check it in as part of 10.3.
