View Permissions

LabKey Support Forum
View Permissions jdutra  2011-05-17 11:43
Status: Closed
I'm having trouble with setting view permissions. I go to Admin -> Manage Study -> Manage Views. I click on a custom view I have just created, where the permissions are private by default. I click "permissions" and get to the "Report and View Permissions" page. But when I try to change to either Explicit or Default permissions, and then hit save, nothing happens, and my view remains private. Is this a bug, or am I missing something?


jdutra responded:  2011-05-20 08:46
Just an update: I can also make a view available to everyone when I set it up initially. However, usually I want a view to be available only to users who have permissions on the base tables, and I still can't get that to work. I'm a site administrator, so the problem is not my permissions. Still hoping someone can help!

Karl Lum responded:  2011-05-20 09:19
Hi Jen,

Sorry for the delayed response. Out of curiosity, what browser are you using?

thanks, Karl
jdutra responded:  2011-05-20 09:50
Normally I use FF 4.01, but I tried it in IE 8 as well - no difference. I can select "default" or "explicit" on the Report and View Permissions screen, but when I hit save, nothing happens except that a "#" gets added to the URL and I get popped back up to the top of that screen.
Karl Lum responded:  2011-05-23 09:02
Hi Jen,

This looks like a bug, I have a local repro for it and have opened this issue to track it:
jdutra responded:  2011-05-23 10:40
Thank you!