Recovered Objects

LabKey Support Forum
Recovered Objects Maya Li  2011-12-09 13:29
Status: Closed
We recently did a database check and two recovered objects popped up in the form of _RecoveredObjects[#####] in our project list. There is no known content in the webdav for these recovered objects. Is it save to delete them? What could have gone wrong that caused these recovered objects to pop up.
Matthew Bellew responded:  2011-12-12 09:52
This is hard to answer because it means that the underlying database was somehow corrupted. The best solution is to return to a good backup of the database. If you don't see any other problems in your installation you can try to delete these objects. If deleting from the LabKey UI doesn't work, then let us know and we can suggest ways to delete them using SQL.

Maya Li responded:  2012-01-20 10:47
Thanks, Matt. I deleted the objects without seeing any problems.