FIle editing ...

LabKey Support Forum
FIle editing ... sadcat  2012-06-05 18:40
Status: Closed
This is not a development question per se, but I cannot think of any other place to put it. A couple of users of our site are unhappy that they cannot "open a file already on LabKey, edit it, and save the edits to LabKey" (they are using the file management widget). Is there any sort of File Editor in LabLay or Ext?

Ben Bimber responded:  2012-06-05 19:11
Hi Xenia,

I dont think there's a great solution; however, there may be a few things to consider:

1) If their document is relatively simple text, you might be able to get them to use a wiki, which can be edited inline. i think this is the most reliable solution if it could be made acceptable. if the file they are editing is a spreadsheet, converting it to a list is an option (although excel is going to be far easier to edit than a list).

2) labkey support webdav. therefore you might be able to use a webdav client (google webdav client for a number of options), and then mount the folder containing these files on your user's machine. the user could interact with these files just like any other local file. some OSs might have native webdav support. in practice i think this solution will be a little tricky to get to work reliably if your user if not tech savvy, but may be worth investigating.
sadcat responded:  2012-06-05 19:14
Thanks, Ben, I'll relay this to the users ...