Webparts without reportId

LabKey Support Forum
Webparts without reportId dennisw  2012-12-31 13:00
Status: Closed

Since we have three servers (sometimes with different reportId's and different versions of LabKey), we were trying to figure out how to get an R report as a webpart within the participants detail page without having to specify the report id parameter. This works just fine in many cases:

            var imgRenderer = new LABKEY.WebPart
                        partName: 'Report',
                        renderTo: 'dsaPanel',
                        frame: 'none',
                        success: dsaSuccess,
                        failure: dsaFail,
                            title: '',
                            schemaName: 'study',
                            queryName: dsaQueryName,
                            reportName: dsaReportName,
                            showSection: dsaShowSec,
                            'query.ParticipantId~eq' : participantId

(dsaQueryName etc. are strings set at the beginning of the page for easy use)

Anyway, it's really convenient not to have to use the reportId parameter. It makes it a lot easier to just be able to move this js from one server to another. Hope it helps someone.