Disappearing dataset??!!

LabKey Support Forum
Disappearing dataset??!! jdutra  2013-03-28 12:46
Status: Closed
I have a dataset called CohortAssignment, in a study where the clinical datasets are reloaded using a manual study reload periodically. I reloaded the study yesterday and everything was fine. I was testing out a report which queries the cohort assignment dataset extensively. One moment it was working, and the next moment all the queries were failing with a QueryParseException: Table CohortAssignment not found.

The dataset was still there. I could see the structure, but when I clicked "View Data", I got an error saying "Table or query not found: Cohort Assignment" (attached). There was no information in the error logs.

Eventually I tried "Edit Definition" and then clicked "Save" without changing anything. The next time I tried to view the data, it was there. Do you have any idea what might have gone wrong there, or how I can prevent this from happening in the future?