What should be used for the writer config of a LABKEY.ext.Store (Ext3 version)

LabKey Support Forum
What should be used for the writer config of a LABKEY.ext.Store (Ext3 version) Leo Dashevskiy  2013-07-08 15:57
Status: Closed
Does it matter, if the source of my query is 'built-in query/table' or a custom one, which does not necessarily reference all of the columns and is not necessarily driven by data from just one table...

So here is the info from "Request payload":


I see that the command here is not 'update', but 'insert' and I already have this row with that key present in the table, is that a problem?

Also, I see a field called 'oldKeys', but it does not seem to contain anything meaningful, is that a problem?
