RowExpander in Ext4 grid not working correctly

LabKey Support Forum
RowExpander in Ext4 grid not working correctly jconnelly  2014-04-30 17:07
Status: Closed
  I am attempting to use the RowExpander plugin in Ext 4.2.1 for a grid in a LabKey external module. I test the code in a standalone web app (no LabKey, just a web app) and it works perfectly. However, once I embed the javascript code in the labkey external module, I see all rows completely expanded and throws an error "nextBd is null". I see in Developer forums that this is common error when the plugin is defined within the initComponent() function, but I am not doing that. It appears that LabKey is somehow overwriting the grid features config (upon which RowExpander depends). Has anyone seen this error or gotten RowExpander to work within LabKey?
Nick Kerr responded:  2014-05-01 13:16
Hi James,

As we just privately spoke about, a possible solution is to not extend 'Ext.grid.Panel' but rather create an 'Ext.grid.Panel' instance within your component/view/container. This way the plugins can be put on the grid instance without having to be a part of the definition.

Let me know if that works.

jconnelly responded:  2014-05-03 07:08
Hi Nick,
  I did do that - did an Ext4.create('Ext.grid.Panel') from the container, but still got the same error. I took it one step further by catching the beforerender event from the container, and then creating the panel and adding it to the panel at that point. Plugin still not working. Very odd.
jconnelly responded:  2014-05-03 13:54
Actually, this would be very easy to reproduce. Make simple grid with a simple model. Add the plugin, you will see the issue.
jconnelly responded:  2014-05-07 07:15
  The patch for the Ext 4.2.1 sandbox worked brilliantly. Thanks.