How To Find schemaName, queryName & viewName



Many of the view-building APIs make use of data queries (e.g., dataset grid views) on your server. In order reference a particular query, you need to identify its schemaName and queryName. To reference a particular custom view of a query such as a grid view, you will also need to specify the viewName parameter.

This section helps you determine which schemaName, queryName and viewName to use to properly identify your data source.

N.B. Check the capitalization of the values you use for these three properties; all three properties are case sensitive.

Query Schema Browser

You can determine the appropriate form of the schemaName, queryName and viewName parameters by using the Query Schema Browser.

To view the Query Schema Browser, go to the upper right corner of the screen and click Admin -> Developer Links -> Schema Browser from the dropdown menus.

Schema List

The Query Schema Browser shows the list of schemas (and thus schemaNames) available in this container. Identify the schemaName of interest and move on to finding possible queryNames (see "Query List" section below).

Example: The Demo Study container defines the following schemas:

  • assay
  • auditLog
  • core
  • CustomProteinAnnotations
  • CustomProteinAnnotationsWithSequences
  • EHR
  • exp
  • flow
  • issues
  • mothership
  • ms1
  • ms2
  • Nab
  • pipeline
  • Samples
  • study
Any of these schemaNames are valid for use in the Demo Study.

Query List

To find the names of the queries associated with a particular schema, click on the schemaName of interest. You will see a list of User-Defined Queries and a list of Built-in Queries and Tables. These are the queryNames you can use with this schemaName in this container.

Example. For the Demo Study example, click on the study schema in the Query Schema Browser. (As a shortcut you can visit this URL:

You will see a list of User-Defined Queries:

  • AverageTempPerParticipant
  • Physical Exam + AverageTemp
  • Physical Exam + TempDelta
  • Physical Exam Query
And the following list of Built-in Queries and Tables associated with the study schema:
  • Cohort
  • DataSetColumn
  • DataSets
  • Demographics
  • ELISpotAssay
  • FileBasedAssay
  • ...etc...

Custom Grid View List

The last (optional) step is to find the appropriate viewName associated with your chosen queryName. To see the custom grids associated with a query, click on the query of interest, and then click [view data]. This will take you to a grid view of the query. Finally, click the Grid Views drop-down menu to see a list of all custom grids (if any) associated with this query.

Example. For the Demo Study example, click on the Physical Exam query name on this page. Next, click [view data]. Finally, click the Grid Views drop-down to see all custom grids for the Physical Exam query (a.k.a. dataset). You'll see at least the following query (more may have been added since completion of this document):

  • Grid View: Physical + Demographics
Example Result. For this example from the Demo Study, we would then use:
  • schemaName: 'study',
  • queryName: 'Physical Exam',
  • viewName: 'Grid View: Physical + Demographics'

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