Install Required Components


Before manually installing or upgrading LabKey Server, you'll need to install the correct versions of all of the required components. Note that manual installation is necessary when installing on Unix and Macintosh computers.

First, download the installable LabKey Server files provided by LabKey.

Decide where you want to install the necessary components. For example, you may want to create a LabKey Server folder at the root level and install all components there, or on Unix systems, you may want to install them to /usr/local/labkey or similar.

Note: We provide support only for the versions listed for each component which have proven themselves over many months of testing and deployment. Some of these components may have more recent releases.

Install the Java Runtime Environment

  1. Download the Server Java Runtime Environment (Server JRE) Version 8 from ( The Server JRE is identical to the JRE, except all client side code (such as applets) has been removed making it far more secure and less memory intensive. )
  2. Install the Server JRE to the chosen directory.
    • On Windows the default installation directory is C:\Program Files\Java\jre8
    • On Linux a common place to install the Server JRE is /usr/local/jre<version>. We suggest creating a symbolic link from /usr/local/java to /usr/local/jre<version>. This will make upgrading the Server JRE easier in the future.


  • If you are planning on building the LabKey Server source code, you must install the JDK 1.8 and configure JAVA_HOME to point to the JDK. For more information, see Set up a Development Machine.
  • OpenJava is not supported.

Install the Apache Tomcat Web Server

We recommend running LabKey Server with the latest version of Tomcat. For details, see Supported Tomcat Versions.

  1. Install Tomcat. On Linux, install to /usr/local/apache-tomcat<version>, then create a symbolic link from /usr/local/tomcat to /usr/local/apache-tomcat<version>. We will call this directory <tomcat-home>. Note that if you were to install Tomcat using their package manager, files and directories such as lib may be placed in different locations. For Unix systems, the following provides a good installation overview: Installing Tomcat 8 on OS X 10.11 El Capitan.
  2. Configure Tomcat to use the Server JRE installed above. You can do this either by creating a JAVA_HOME environment variable under the user account that will be starting tomcat, or by adding that variable to the tomcat startup scripts, <tomcat-home>/bin/ on Linux or startup.bat on Windows. For example, on Linux add this line to the beginning of the tomcat's file: Export JAVA_HOME=/usr/local/java.
  3. Start Tomcat. On Linux run <tomcat-home>/bin/ If you want Tomcat to start up automatically when you restart your computer see the Tomcat documentation.
  4. Test your Tomcat installation by entering http://<machine_name or localhost or IP_address>:8080 in a web browser. If your Java and Tomcat installations are successful you will see the Tomcat success page.

Install the Database Server

Install one of the following database servers:

Platform-specific installation instructions:

Install the LabKey Server System Components

1. Download

2. Unzip the LabKey Server components to a directory on your computer. On Unix-based systems, the command tar xfz LabKey Server-bin.tar.gz will unzip and untar the archive. You will move these components later, so the directory you unpack them to is unimportant. After unpacking the directory should contain these files and directories:
  • bin: Binary files required by LabKey Server (only in Windows distributions).
  • labkeywebapp: The LabKey Server web application.
  • modules: LabKey Server modules.
  • pipeline-lib: Jars for the data processing pipeline.
  • tomcat-lib: Required server library jars. (The tomcat-lib directory was introduced in LabKey Server version 13.3. It consolidates the server-lib and common-lib directories used in previous distributions. )
  • labkey.xml: LabKey Server configuration file.
  • Manual upgrade script for MacOSX, Solaris, and non-supported Linux installations.
  • README.txt: A file pointing you to this documentation.
  • VERSION: A file containing the release number and build number.

Next Step in Manual Installation

After you've downloaded and installed all components, you'll configure the LabKey Server web application to run on Tomcat. See Configure the LabKey Web Application.