Work with Multiple Viruses per Plate


Neutralizing Antibody (NAb) assays may be configured so that multiple viruses are tested on a single plate. The LabKey NAb assay design can then interpret these multiple virus and control well groups on that plate, so that results of each run may be viewed and graphed on a per-virus basis.

Configure a Multi-Virus Plate Template

The built-in NAb Multi-virus Plate Template is divided in half between two viruses with 10 samples (in replicate) per virus, each with their own separate control wells. The samples on each plate are identical between the two viruses. By customizing this built-in default plate template, it is further possible to add additional viruses or otherwise customize the template to fit alternate arrangements of well groups and plates.

  • From the Assay Dashboard, click Manage Assays.
  • Click Configure Plate Templates.
  • Select New 384-well (16x24) NAb Multi-Virus Plate Template.
  • Notice the Virus tab which will show you the default layout of the two viruses.
  • After making any changes necessary, name your template.
  • Click Save & Close.

Define a Multi-Virus Single-Plate Assay Design

Select the appropriate NAb assay type as you create a new named assay design.

  • From the Assay Dashboard, click New Assay Design.
  • Select the assay type.
  • Name the design.
  • Select the named multi-virus plate template you just created.
  • Notice that Virus Fields including virus name, virus id, and host cell, are predefined and will appear as run-level properties in the assay design.
  • Add additional fields as needed.
  • Click Save & Close.

Import Multi-Virus NAb Data

During upload of data, the upload wizard will request the virus specific information and other metadata necessary to correctly associate data from each well with the correct virus. Dilution and neutralization information is also grouped by virus.

Explore Multi-Virus Results

In the resulting run details report, each sample/virus combination will have its own set of dilution curves, cutoffs, AUC, fit errors, etc.