Example survey questions:

Auto Populate from an Existing Record

The following example assumes you have a List named "Participants" with the following fields:

  • SSN (this is your Primary Key, which is a string)
  • FirstName
  • LastName
  • Phone
When the List contains records, and a user enters a matching SSN number, the remaining fields in the survey will auto populate with data from the matching record.

Download the JSON code for this survey: survey-SSNautopop.json

Auto Populate with the Current User's Email

When a user changes the Patient Id field, the email field is auto populated using the currently logged on user's info.

Download the JSON code for this survey: survey-Emailautopop.json

Hidden Radio Group

When Option A is selected, a hidden radio group is shown below.

Download the JSON code for this survey: survey-hiddenRadioGroup.json

Hidden Question

A hidden question appears when the user enters particular values in two previous questions. In this example, when the user enters 'Yes' to questions 1 and 2, a 3rd previously hidden question appears.

Download the JSON code for this survey: TwoQuestions.json

Radio Buttons / Rendering Images

The following example renders radio buttons and an image. The 'questions' object holds an 'extConfig' object, which does most of the interesting work.

The 'start' object hides the field "Survey Label" from the user.

Download the JSON code for this survey: survey-RadioImage.json

Likert Scale

The following example offers Likert scale questions as radio buttons.

Download the JSON code for this survey: survey-Likert.json

Concatenate Values

When three fields are filled in, they auto-populate another field as a concatenated value.

Download the JSON code for this survey: survey-Concat.json

Checkbox with Conditional/Skip Logic

Two boxes pop-up when the user picks Other or Patient Refused. The boxes are text fields where an explanation can be provided.

Download the JSON code for this example: survey-Skip1.json

Text Field (w/ Skip Logic)

Shows conditional logic in a survey. Different sets of additional questions appear later in the survey, depending on whether the user enters "Yes" or "No" to an earlier question.

Download the JSON code for this example: survey-Skip2.json

Time Dropdown

The following example presents a dropdown to select a time in 15 minutes increments.

Download the JSON code for this example: survey-timedropdown.json

Calculated Fields

The following example calculates values from some fields based on user entries in other fields:

  • Activity Score field = the sum of the Organ/Site scores, multiplied by 2 if Damage is Yes, plus the Serum IgG4 Concentration.
  • Total number of Urgent Organs = the sum of Urgent fields set to Yes.
  • Total number of Damaged Organs = the sum of Damaged fields set to Yes.
Download the JSON code for this example: survey-math.json

Hiding "Default Label"

Add the following start object before the sections to hide the "Label" question.

"survey" : {
"start": {
"useDefaultLabel": true
"sections" : [{

Checkbox Group (ExtJS)

"extConfig": {
"xtype": "fieldcontainer",
"width": 800,
"hidden": false,
"name": "checkbox_group",
"margin": "10px 10px 15px",
"fieldLabel": "CB Group (ExtJS)",
"items": [{
"xtype": "panel",
"border": true,
"defaults": {
"xtype": "checkbox",
"inputValue": "true",
"uncheckedValue": "false"
"items": [
"boxLabel": "CB 1",
"name": "checkbox_1"
"boxLabel": "CB 2",
"name": "checkbox_2"
"boxLabel": "CB 3",
"name": "checkbox_3"

Combobox (Lookup)

Constrain the answers to the question to the values in a specified column in a list.

"jsonType": "int",
"hidden": false,
"width": 800,
"inputType": "text",
"name": "lkfield",
"caption": "Lookup Field",
"shortCaption": "Lookup Field",
"required": false,
"lookup": {
"keyColumn": "Key",
"displayColumn": "Value",
"schemaName": "lists",
"queryName": "lookup1",
"containerPath": "/Project/..."

Combobox (ExtJS)

"extConfig": {
"width": 800,
"hidden": false,
"xtype": "combo",
"name": "gender",
"fieldLabel": "Gender (ExtJS)",
"queryMode": "local",
"displayField": "value",
"valueField": "value",
"emptyText": "Select...",
"forceSelection": true,
"store": {
"fields": ["value"],
"data" : [
{"value": "Female"},
{"value": "Male"}

Date Picker

"jsonType": "date",
"hidden": false,
"width": 800,
"inputType": "text",
"name": "dtfield",
"caption": "Date Field",
"shortCaption": "Date Field",
"required": false

Number Range (ExtJS)

"extConfig": {
"xtype": "fieldcontainer",
"fieldLabel": "Number Range",
"margin": "10px 10px 15px",
"layout": "hbox",
"width": 800,
"items": [
"xtype": "numberfield",
"fieldLabel": "Min",
"name": "min_num",
"width": 175
"xtype": "label",
"width": 25
"xtype": "numberfield",
"fieldLabel": "Max",
"name": "max_num",
"width": 175

Survey Grid Question (ExtJS)

"extConfig": {
"xtype": "surveygridquestion",
"name": "gridquestion",
"columns": {
"items": [{
"text": "Field 1",
"dataIndex": "field1",
"width": 350,
"editor": {
"xtype": "combo",
"queryMode": "local",
"valueField": "value",
"forceSelection": true,
"store": {
"fields": ["value"],
"data" : [{
"value": "Value 1"
}, {
"value": "Value 2"
}, {
"value": "Value 3"
"text": "Field 2",
"dataIndex": "field2",
"width": 200,
"editor": {
"xtype": "textfield"
"text": "Field 3",
"dataIndex": "field3",
"width": 200,
"editor": {
"xtype": "textfield"
"store": {
"xtype": "json",
"fields": [

Survey Header/Footer Wiki

"headerWiki": {
"name": "wiki_name",
"containerPath": "/Project/..."
"footerWiki": {
"name": "wiki_name",
"containerPath": "/Project/..."

Other Examples

Download these examples of whole surveys.

expand allcollapse all