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We're delighted to announce the release of LabKey Server version 18.1.

Feature Highlights of Version 18.1

Study datasets and lists now support PHI data handling and logging. Upon login, users are required to declare a PHI-access level and sign a Terms of Use appropriate to their declared activity. When PHI data columns are accessed, the system can log the SQL queried, the participant id's accessed, and the set of PHI columns accessed. (docs)

File Watcher
Easily configure a file watcher using a graphical user interface. When files are added or modified in a monitored directory the following pipeline jobs can be triggered: study reload, dataset creation, dataset data import, and list data import. (docs)

Edit Report in RStudio
Support for RStudio has been enhanced. Users can now edit R reports in RStudio instead of LabKey's native R designer. (docs)

For details on all the new features, see the release notes, or download the latest version of LabKey Server.

Community News

Save the Date: User Conference 2018
The LabKey User Conference & Workshop will return to Seattle this Fall for another great year of idea sharing and user education. Save the date and look for early bird registration information coming soon!

October 4-5, 2018
Pan Pacific Hotel
Seattle, WA

- Denotes Premium Edition functionality.

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