'ERROR - No matching proteins found' when exporting multiple MS2

CPAS Forum (Inactive)
'ERROR - No matching proteins found' when exporting multiple MS2 btitz  2010-08-05 11:33
Status: Closed
We recently upgraded to 10.20 (Windows with MS SQL Server) and now always encounter a strange problem when exporting multiple MS2 runs to an Excel file. The data of the first exported MS2 run (pep.xml) looks perfectly fine. However, the "protein", "SequenceMass", "BestName", and "Description" columns for ALL proteins of ALL other exported MS2 runs show "ERROR - No matching proteins found". This error does not occur, when these MS2 runs are exported individually. This error also does not seem to be affected by the selected export format or protein filter settings.

Thanks a lot in advance for your help!

Brian Connolly responded:  2010-08-05 15:03

I am sorry to hear that you are having this problem. When you are exporting these runs, are you using the MS2 Export button that is available in the MS2 Experiment Runs webpart? If so, what view are you selecting when you get to the "Export Runs" page?

If you not, can you please explain how you are exporting these runs?

Thank you,

Brian Connolly
btitz responded:  2010-08-05 15:20
Hi Brian,

Thanks for your help. That is correct: I am "using the the MS2 Export button that is available in the MS2 Experiment Runs webpart". On the "Export Runs" page I am selecting a saved view (grouped by Protein Prophet, peptides expanded, Protein Group Filter: (GroupProbability >= 0.9) AND (UniquePeptidesCount >= 2) AND (TotalNumberPeptides <> 0)).
I just tested different views and realized that the grouping by "Protein Prophet" causes the problem. Without grouping or with grouping by "proteins" the protein names are saved correctly for all runs. However, I would still like to use the "Protein Prophet" grouping.


Brian Connolly responded:  2010-08-06 10:20

I am able to reproduce this problem here locally. I have worked with our developers and there is no simple work-around for this bug. I will be opening a bug with our developers and I hope that it will be fixed in our next version (10.3), which scheduled to be released in late October.

In the mean-time, the only work-around I can suggest is to export each run individually. Then you can manually cut and paste them into one file.


The bug I entered for this problem is at https://www.labkey.org/issues/home/Developer/issues/details.view?issueId=10721
btitz responded:  2010-08-06 10:38
Hi Brian,

Thanks, I will use the work-around for now.

