MS2 runs file export

CPAS Forum (Inactive)
MS2 runs file export mboehmer  2011-01-24 17:12
Status: Closed
It seems the Issue 9777: Can't see export button on MS2 files export panel is still not resolved or reappeared in Labkey 10.3. Is there an easy workaround until the export panel is updated?
Brian Connolly responded:  2011-01-25 08:35

We will need a little more information to diagnose the problem and get you a work-around.

1) What is the browser you are using when you experience the problem.
2) Does this occur when you are attempting to perform an export of files from the MS2 Experiment Runs web part?
 - can you send a screenshot?

Thank you,

mboehmer responded:  2011-01-25 09:45
Hi Brian,

the problem arises for us during export of files from the MS2 Runs web part in Firefox, Internet Explorer and Safari. We use the Seattle style by the way. I have attached a screenshot. As you can see the export button is not visible and there is no scroll bar. The scroll bar however does not seem to be the problem, as I initially thought. I found the following line in the html of the page:

<div class="x-panel-body x-panel-body-noheader x-panel-body-noborder" id="ext-gen82" style="width: 1032px; height: 120px;"><div style="min-height: 10.5em;" id="PanelButtonContent668680849Files" class=""><div class="">

If I change the height of 120px to 200px, I get a scroll bar and can scroll down to the Export button. Doing so each time is my current workaround. I don't know however, how to make this a permanent fix.


Brian Connolly responded:  2011-01-25 11:04

Yes this is definitely a bug. I have reopened issue #9777 to get it fixed. I should know soon if we will be able to create a hot-fix for 10.3 for this problem or if it will be punted to 11.3.

For a work-around, there are 3 options

1) The workaround you specified in your message
2) If you are using firefox on Windows you are able to 'tab' through the file export options and get to the Export button.
 - The way you do this is to click somewhere in the file export pane and then hit tab until you reach the Export button.
3) Export the files one run at a time. You can do this by
 - For the run you would like to export, click on the Experiment Map (this is the icon in the 3rd column of the grid).
 - On the Experiment Run page, click on the "Download All Files" link
 - This will download a zip file containing all the files used/created by this run.
mboehmer responded:  2011-01-25 11:08
Thanks Brian,

the TAB function is a very good workaround.
