ProtocolParameters & ProtocolApplicationParameters

LabKey Support Forum
ProtocolParameters & ProtocolApplicationParameters kanchink  2007-10-02 11:15
Status: Closed
In the XAR file, we can define ProtocolParameters and ProtocolApplicationParameters. All the example XAR files that I have seen so far have the exact same elements (and values) defined in both ProtocolParameters and ProtocolApplicationParameters.

Given that ProtocolParameters are essentially to be used for expanding the ProtocolApplication objects(Inputs and Outputs in the ExperimentLog format), does CPAS read the ProtocolApplicationParameters?

Peter responded:  2007-11-06 16:00
Sorry for the long delay in response--

ProtocolParameters act as declarations and default values for ProtocolApplicationParameters. But since we don't have UI that prompts for non-default values, in practice the two sets of parameter values are usually identical. You are correct, the main current use for ProtocolParameters is for expanding the ProtocolApplication objects during the load of a xar file. CPAS records the values of the ProtocolParameter as ProtocolApplicationParameter values during this expansion process. CPAS never reads those values back out or uses them; they act as documentation.

To save time and space we should probably not write default param values (i.e. when ProtocolParameter = ProtocolApplicationParameter) but it hasn't risen to the top of our todo list.
