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Very slow sample table

LabKey Support Forum
Very slow sample table katy wiseman  2024-07-30 03:25
Status: Active


I have a sample table in one of my project tables which is un-usably slow. It's only one sample table (other sample tables in the same folder are fine), and only in this project folder.

It has one lookup to a query. The query is running pretty quickly. Other sample tables have lookups to queries and are running fine.
However, when I try and either add a new row or edit a row the form hangs after I press submit. If I leave it for a while and then give up and press cancel the sample or change doesn't appear immediately. If I refresh the page after about 30 seconds, then the new row or change appears.

This is all that' in the XML metadata:
<tables xmlns="http://labkey.org/data/xml">
<table tableName="rna" tableDbType="NOT_IN_DB">

I don't really know what else to check or how else to troubleshoot this. Any ideas?



mohara responded:  2024-09-14 11:43

Hi Katy:

The best place to start troubleshooting query performance like this is the query profiler. You'll reset statistics, perform the add or edit task, then recheck the stats to see whether there is something unexpected happening or taking longer than expected. This topic has more detail and some troubleshooting leads.

I'll move this question to your premium support portal where we can better provide custom assistance.
