Report view by R script

Study Forum (Inactive)
Report view by R script wonjong.moon  2008-02-27 16:16
Status: Closed
I joined all tables in Labkey.
Now, I am trying to generate R report view into a pdf file.
I attached the report view done by hand for examples.
Unfortunately, I do not know much about R.
Is it possible to generate such reports using R ?

Can I insert a image file (generated by a lab equipment) into each report.
   Or can I add a link to a file using labkey?

wonjong.moon responded:  2008-02-27 18:31
Title: Please remove this post.
Please, Ignore my post about R report view.
I could not delete it.

It was not an appropriate question. It should be a question to R user group or forum.
I am going to draw text or boxes on the plot.