linking specimien to assay

Study Forum (Inactive)
linking specimien to assay wnels2  2009-11-12 09:27
Status: Closed
Is there a link from assay data to the specimen that was used in the specimen repository. For example, using the tutorial data and the Microarray assay, is there a way to determine and view specimen used for each run?

If I select an assay from the miccroarray dataset and select "View Specimens" it gives an empty list with the message:
This view is displaying specimens only from particpant(s) 249320489 at visit "2.0081203E7"
eknelson responded:  2009-11-12 10:51
"View specimens" has not yet been hooked up for assays. That's what you would need. I've opened a bug for this, including the exponential date code listed in the message you reported:

Thanks for reporting this issue.

-- Elizabeth
jeckels responded:  2009-11-12 11:15
A small clarification - I think this is probably an issue with date-based studies, regardless of whether the dataset came from an assay or not.
