Deleting and updating dataset data

Study Forum (Inactive)
Deleting and updating dataset data michael_stover  2010-12-09 05:40
Status: Closed
I am using labkey version 10.2.

One problem I am having is with deleting a row in a study dataset. Whenever I try, I get a NullPointerException:

       at org.labkey.api.action.FormViewAction.handleRequest(
       at org.labkey.api.action.FormViewAction.handleRequest(
       at org.labkey.api.action.BaseViewAction.handleRequestInternal(

The other problem is I don't see any way to update a particular record in a study dataset. If an entry is wrong or missing a value, how do I change it or add a value to a particular column? I suppose one could delete a row and then add it again (if deleting worked), but that is really ugly.

Any help is appreciated.
jeckels responded:  2010-12-09 09:44
I believe you're hitting a bug that was fixed in version 10.3, which is now available for download. In 10.2 you could get this error if you tried to delete a row, but the dataset wasn't configured to allow for edits through the user interface.

By default, datasets can be uploaded in bulk through a study import or by pasting in a TSV, but you can't edit, delete, or insert individual rows through the UI.

You can turn on editable datasets, which should let you both edit and delete rows:

For starters, I'd recommend switching to use "Basic Security with Editable Datasets".

michael_stover responded:  2010-12-10 05:44
Thanks for the help, Josh! That's what I needed to know.