Release Notes 15.3


Extract-Transform-Load (ETLs)

  • Undo ETL job: Roll back changed records in the target table. (docs)
  • Column name mapping: Copy data between tables, even when their columns names do not match. (docs)
  • Call an ETL job from another ETL job: ETLs can queue up other ETLs, even ones that exist in a different module. (docs)
  • Stored procedures as gates for ETLs: Let a stored procedure determine if there is work for an ETL. (docs)
  • ETL job history table: View a history of all ETLs that have run on the site. (docs)

Look and Feel


  • User self-registration: Administrators can let users create their own accounts on the server. (docs)
  • Automatic user registration: Administrators can enable or disable auto-creation of new accounts in LDAP and SSO authentication systems. (docs)
  • SQL query logging: Log each query request against an external data source including the user, impersonation information, date and time, and the SQL statement used to query the data source. Useful in applications that require review of data retrievals. Available in LabKey Server Professional Plus and Enterprise Editions. (docs)

Assays / Instrument Data

  • (MS2) Merge XTandem search results: Combine existing XTandem search results into a merged analysis. (docs)
  • (Panorama Mass Spec) Document revision tracking: Keep track of refinements to mass spec methods by linking different versions of a document into a series. (docs)
  • (Panorama Mass Spec) Pareto plots: Pareto plots provide a summary of outlier values, identifying the most likely causes of quality control problems. (docs)
  • (NAb) Improved handling of NAb data: On import, NAb dilution and well data is now stored in the database in two new tables, DilutionData and WellData, instead of being stored as a file on the server. Users can write queries against, and export from, these new tables. Also, the run details view is rendered from the new tables, instead of being parsed from the original data file. Note that on upgrade to LabKey Server 15.3, existing NAb data files on the server will be parsed and imported to the new database tables. (docs)
  • (Genomics) PacBio support: Manage samples and sequencing results generated from a PacBio Sequencer. (docs)

Data Integration

  • Improved schema export: The schema export dialog now lets you provide a target schema and a target directory for the exported files. (docs)


  • Support for Tomcat 8: (docs)
  • Performance: Improved caching performance for queries and custom views.


  • (Python) Export data as a python client script: Support Python clients of LabKey Server by generating a Python script that retrieves data from the database. (docs)
  • (Python) Assay data support: New methods in the Python Client API support assay data (loadBatch and saveBatch). (docs)
  • (Python) Support for Python 3: The updated Python Client API supports Python 3. (docs)
  • Site validation enhancements: New site validation checks show (1) folders where Guests have read permissions and (2) pipeline roots that don't exist in the file system. (docs)

Potential Backwards Compatibility Issues

  • Microsoft SQL Server: Starting in LabKey Server 15.3, Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 is no longer supported.
  • Java 7: Starting in LabKey Server 15.3, Java 7 is no longer supported.