When features are under development and not yet ready to be incorporated into the production product, they may be included as experimental features. These features may change, break, or disappear at any time. We make no guarantees about what may happen if you turn on these experimental features. Some experimental features are only available when specific modules are included. Proceed with discretion and please contact LabKey if you are interested in sponsoring further development of features listed here. Enabling or disabling some features will require a restart of the server.

  • Select (Admin) > Site > Admin Console
  • Under Configuration, click Experimental Features.
  • Carefully read the warnings and descriptions before enabling any features. Searching the documentation for more detail is also recommended, though not all experimental features are documented.
  • Use checkboxes to enable desired experimental features. Uncheck the box to disable the feature.

Allow merge of study dataset that uses server-managed additional key fields

Merging of dataset that uses server-managed third key (such as GUID or auto RowId) is not officially supported. Unexpected outcomes might be experienced when merge is performed using this option.

Assay linked to study consistency check

Flags rows in assay-linked datasets where the subject and timepoint may be different from the source assay. When enabled, if rows in the linked study dataset are not consistent with the source assay, you'll see them highlighted. For example, if an assay result row was edited after being linked (in this case to change the visit ID), the dataset would alert the user that there was something to investigate:

Recalling and relinking the affected rows should clear the inconsistency.

Block Malicious Clients

Reject requests from clients that appear malicious. Make sure this feature is disabled before running a security scanner.

Client-side Exception Logging to Mothership

Report unhandled JavaScript exceptions to mothership.

Client-side Exception Logging to Server

Report unhandled JavaScript exceptions to the server log.

ELISA Multi-plate, multi well data support

Allows ELISA assay import of high-throughput data file formats which contain multiple plates and multiple analyte values per well. Learn more in this topic: Enhanced ELISA Assay Support

Generic [details] link in grids/queries

This feature will turn on generating a generic [details] link in most grids.

Grid Lock Left Column

Lock the left column of grids on horizontal scroll, keeping the ID of the sample or entity always visible. Applies to grids in Sample Manager, Biologics, and Freezer Manager applications.

Include Last-Modified header on query metadata requests

For schema, query, and view metadata requests, enabling this will include a Last-Modified header such that the browser can cache the response. The metadata is invalidated when performing actions such as creating a new list or modifying the columns on a custom view.

Media Ingredient read permissions

Enforce media ingredient read permissions.

No Guest Account

When this experimental feature is enabled, there will be no guest account. All users will have to create accounts in order to see any server content.

No Question Marks in URLs

Don't append '?' to the end of URLs unless there are query parameters.

Notebook Custom Fields

Enable custom fields in Electronic Lab Notebooks. Learn more in this topic:

Notifications Menu

Display a notifications 'inbox' icon in the header bar with a display of the number of notifications; click to show the notifications panel of unread notifications.

Requests Menu in Biologics

Display "Requests" section in menu to all Biologics users.

Resolve Property URIs as Columns on Experiment Tables

If a column is not found on an experiment table, attempt to resolve the column name as a Property URI and add it as a property column.

Sample Finder in Biologics

Enable the Sample Finder feature within Biologics.

Sample/Aliquot Selector

Enable the Sample/Aliquot Selector button to show in sample grids within Sample Manager and Biologics.

Use QuerySelect for row insert/update form

This feature will switch the query based select inputs on the row insert/update form to use the React QuerySelect component. This will allow for a user to view the first 100 options in the select but then use typeahead search to find the other select values.

Use Sub-schemas in Study

Separate study tables into three groups: Datasets, Design, Specimens. User defined queries are not placed in any of these groups.

User Folders

Enable personal folders for users.

UX Assay Data Import

Adds an 'Import Data' button (using plus icon) to the 'Assay List' query view to get to the new UX Assay Data Import page.

Skip Importing Chromatograms

Enable to prevent the server from storing chromatograms in the database for newly imported files; instead load them on demand from .skyd files.

Prefer SKYD Chromatograms

When the server has the information needed to load a chromatogram on demand from a .skyd file, fetch it from the file instead of the database.

Rserve Reports

Use an R Server for R script evaluation instead of running R from a command shell. See LabKey/Rserve Setup Guide for more information.

Check for return URL Parameter Casing as 'returnUrl'

The returnUrl parameter must be capitalized correctly. When you enable this feature, the server will check the casing and throw an error if it is 'returnURL'.

Use Abstraction Results Comparison UI

Use a multi-column view for comparing abstraction results.

Use Last Abstraction Result

Use only the last set of submitted results per person for compare view. Otherwise all submitted iterations will be shown.

Abstraction Comparison Anonymous Mode

Make person names and randomize ordering for abstraction comparison views.

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