Your server may be restricted to offer only those columns that have been marked as data "measures" or "dimensions" for charting.
  • Dimension: "dimension" means a column of non-numerical categories that can be included in a chart, such as for grouping into box plots or bar charts.
  • Measure: A column with numerical data.

Note: Text columns that include numeric values can also be marked as measures. For instance, a text column that includes a mix of integers and some entries of "<1" to represent values that are below the lower limit of quantitation (LLOQ) could be plotted ignoring the non numeric entries. The server will make a best effort to convert the data to numeric values and display a message about the number of values that cannot be converted.

If your server restricts charting to only measures and dimensions, you have two options: (1) either mark the desired column as a measure/dimension or (2) turn off the restriction.

Mark the Desired Column as a Measure/Dimension

Note that you must have editor permissions to change a dataset/list design.

  • Go to the dataset/list you wish to visualize.
  • Click Manage for a dataset or Design for a list.
  • Click Edit Definition for a dataset or Edit Design for a list.
  • Select the column you wish to visualize.
  • Click the Reporting tab.
  • Place a checkmark next to either Measure (for numeric columns) or Dimension (for non-numeric columns).
  • Click Save.

Turn off the Measure/Dimension Restriction

Note that you must have administrator permissions to change these settings.

  • Go to Admin > Site > Admin Console.
  • Click Look and Feel Settings.
  • Scroll down to Restrict charting columns by measure and dimension flags.
  • If you see a checkmark next to this option, remove it, and click Save.

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