To learn about workflow processes, we will set up both a workspace on your LabKey Server and the Activiti Workflow Engine we will use to visualize and edit the workflow process definition later.

Set Up a LabKey Workspace

Sample Package

Using a sample workflow application will help illustrate some basic features and options for customization. We use in this case a multiple assay workflow simply named "labWork".

Install Modules

  • Obtain and install the workflow module in your optionalModules directory.
  • Install the "labWork" module from the sample data package by copying the unzipped folder to your optionalModules directory.
  • Rebuild your server, start it, and sign in as an administrator.

Create Workspace

  • Create a new project named "Workflow Tutorial."
    • Choose folder type "Collaboration" and click Next.
    • On the Users/Permissions page, choose "My User Only", and click Next.
    • Check "Use Default" on the project settings page and click Finish.
  • Enable the workflow and labWork modules in your new project:
    • Select Admin > Folder > Management and click the Folder Type tab.
    • Check the boxes for both "LabWork" and "Workflow" in the column on the right.
    • Click Update Folder.

Set Up Activiti Workflow Engine

Download and install the latest stable release of the Activiti engine . You must already have a working Java runtime environment, Apache Tomcat installation, and the JAVA_HOME variable must be set. These will all be in place already when you are running a local LabKey Server.

  • Download and unpack the .zip package to the location of your choice.
  • Place the included activiti-explorer.war in the webapps directory of your Tomcat installation.
  • Restart Tomcat.
  • When Tomcat is running, go to http://localhost:8080/activiti-explorer.
  • Log in using the demo user "kermit" with password "kermit".

Note that by default the Activiti engine uses an in-memory database. If you are editing a workflow process and shut down the server, the work will not be saved. To preserve changes, export the workflow definition to a file before shutting down.

Learn about other options in the Activiti database configuration documentation .

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